Over the past ten years, Delipap has been very successful in strengthening its position in the Finnish diaper market with its Muumi Baby diapers. Their aim is to continue to grow and further strengthen the awareness and attractiveness of the responsible, made in Finland and carbon-neutral diaper. Our task was to support Delipap team in reaching the targets by providing deep understanding of the views, needs, and expectations of the target consumers – parents of children in diaper age.
The aim of the study was to understand the current buyers of Muumi Baby diapers and the factors influencing their purchasing decisions the most. We also wanted to understand the Muumi Baby brand image and test development routes identified for the brand. Objective was to understand the appeal of the alternative routes in the eyes of the target group and identify potential risks related to them.
The insight into consumer needs, decision-making factors, as well as the opportunities related to the brand, gave Delipap solid guidelines for the development of Muumi Baby brand. Consumers’ response to the plans was very positive and having identified not only the key themes for development but also ways to minimize the risks associated with the plans, Delipap is well positioned to further strengthen its position in the diaper category.